Men’s use of metaphors to make sense of their spouse’s miscarriage: expanding the communicated sense-making model

on 27 September 2019

Horstman HK; Holman A; McBride MC

Health Communication, 1 February 2019, online

With approximately 20% of pregnancies ending in loss, miscarriage is a relatively common and stressful occurrence. Because romantic partners’ coping efforts are intimately connected, the way one partner copes with the other’s miscarriage has important implications for individual and relational well-being.

Grounded in the communicated sense-making (CSM) model, the current study investigated how cis-gender men in heterosexual marriages (n = 45) communicatively constructed the meaning of their wife’s miscarriage through metaphors.

Further details can be found here.

MIDIRS Literature Search Pack of the month

P37 Miscarriage: bereavement and counselling | Abstracts (413 records) £9.95

This month’s pre-prepared search pack features articles on the psychological and emotional effects of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. Includes counselling and support, and effects on subsequent pregnancies.

*If you already subscribe to Maternity and Infant Care (MIC), previously MIDIRS Reference Database, then you can browse all our literature searches for free.
