WASP (write a scientific paper): Qualitative research and evidence-based practice: implications and contributions

on 17 July 2019

Marta Sant, Early Human Development, June 2019

Qualitative methodologies are commonly used in the social sciences. This paper discusses how this type of research can enhance evidence-based practice in health care settings.

Examples taken from qualitative studies are included in order to demonstrate how such research can be applied to medical settings.

Additionally, this paper describes some of the unique characteristics inherent in qualitative research.

More information about the research can be found here.

MIDIRS Literature Search Pack

M25 Research – how to do it | Abstracts (167) £9.95

This month’s pre-prepared search pack features articles on research methods in midwifery, including how to write literature reviews and searches, peer review, and collect data, and how to write a research proposal.

Does not include statistical methods (see M60) or articles specifically on qualitative research (see M78).

MIDIRS offers literature search packs on a wide range of maternity care topics. Each pack contains multiple article references, helping to support you further in your midwifery training and development.

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